Top 10k strings from Everest Ascent (1983)(Richard Shepherd Software)[a].z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [Z80] /

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   9 ;"Press any key to continue":
   6 base=base-1
   5 "Sherpas :":
   4 x$(day)="1":
   4 ;"No one of that name":
   4 "Supplies :";:
   4 "Press any other key to continue"
   4 "Press any key to continue":
   4 "Equipment :":
   3 x$(day)="1"
   3 sup=sup-diff
   3 base=base+1
   3 ;"You only have ";sup;" days supplies with you":
   3 ;"You do not have that":
   3 ;"You do not have that  ":
   3 ;"Press any key to continue"
   3 "Press ""i"" for an inventory"
   3 "Location ";
   3 "Equipment":
   3 "Enter equipment to be left (use end to finish)"
   2 x$(day)="4"
   2 x$(day)="3"
   2 x$(day)="2"
   2 j$(m)=c$(m):
   2 i$(m)=e$(m):
   2 h$(m)=c$(m):
   2 g$(m)=e$(m):
   2 f$(m)=c$(m):
   2 cash2=cash2+cash1
   2 base3;" days"
   2 base1;" days"
   2 a$=a$+" ":
   2 ;"You only have ";sup;" days supplies!":
   2 ;"No sherpa of that name":
   2 ;"Enter names of sherpas to
   2 ;"Enter ALL sherpas to remain at this camp (use end to finish)"
   2 ;"Enter ""end"" to finish"
   2 )="ladder"
   2 "Fortunately,you have this item":
   2 "Enter number of days supplies to be left"
   2 "Enter new quantity for supplies"
   2 "Enter ALL items of equipment to be left (use end to finish)"
   2 "Do you wish to make any changes?":
   2  remain (use end to finish input)"
   2  Richard Shepherd 1983"
   1 x$(day)=" "
   1 sup=sup-.5
   1 st=st-((20
   1 loc1-n;" days from village":
   1 k$(m)=e$(m):
   1 j$(m)=e$(m):
   1 e$(n)=k$(n)
   1 e$(n)=i$(n)
   1 e$(n)=g$(n)
   1 e$(n)=d$(n)
   1 day=day-.5
   1 day=day+.5
   1 cash=cash-dr/2
   1 cash=cash-(co+1
   1 cash=cash-
   1 cash=cash+cash2:
   1 cash<(co+1
   1 c$(n)=j$(n):
   1 c$(n)=h$(n):
   1 c$(n)=f$(n):
   1 c$(n)=b$(n)
   1 base3=base3-.25
   1 base3;" days":
   1 base2=base2-.25
   1 base2;" days" 
   1 base2;" days"
   1 base1=base1-.25
   1 b$(n)=j$(n)
   1 b$(n)=h$(n)
   1 b$(n)=f$(n)
   1 a$="ljh590x"
   1 a$)=b$(n,1
   1 ;"you only have ";sup;" days supplies!":
   1 ;"This equipment is not available":
   1 ;"Sorry,you do not have enough    money for all that":
   1 ;"Press any key to start"
   1 ;"Press any key to continue
   1 ;"Press any key to begin"
   1 ;"Press any key for next game
   1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY":
   1 ;"Name Unknown":
   1 ;"Enter names of sherpas to remain (use end to finish input)"
   1 ;"Enter ALL sherpas to remain at  this camp (use end to finish)"
   1 -n;" days out of village"
   1 -day;" days travel to reach the village"
   1 -day)*sup)*(cs+1
   1 )="shovel"
   1 )="shovel    200"
   1 )="oxygen    500"
   1 )="ladder    100"
   1 )="heat pads 300"
   1 );" ";d$(n,11
   1 );"   ";b$(n,10
   1 (loc1-n);" days from base camp 2":
   1 (loc-n);" days from village":
   1 (loc-n);" days from base camp 1"
   1 "supplies"
   1 "sherpas":
   1 "heat pads"
   1 "Your strength is increased due  to the better living
   1 "Your objective is to climb to   the top of Mount Everest.
   1 "Your expedition is going
   1 "Your expedition is exhausted    under your dynamic leadership":
   1 "Your expedition awakes refreshedwith a new strength of ";st
   1 "You will start with limited
   1 "You will meet a number of
   1 "You need oxygen above this levelYou can go no further without it":
   1 "You need heat pads above this   height. You can go no further":
   1 "You must now select your
   1 "You must now purchase supplies  for your team"
   1 "You must first choose porters   to carry your equipment and
   1 "You may set up a maximum of
   1 "You make a camp for the night.  Press ""b"" to establish a base if necessary"
   1 "You hear on the radio that your expedition has achieved
   1 "You have these items":
   1 "You have the maximum number of camps allowed"
   1 "You have supplies for ";sup;" days"
   1 "You have set up ";base;" base camps"
   1 "You have returned to the village":
   1 "You have received total
   1 "You have reached an avalanche   area.The route ahead is blocked by heavy snow and you need the  shovel to dig your way through"
   1 "You have reached a vertical rockwall. The rock is too crumbly   to use a rope,so you must use   the ladder"
   1 "You have reached a sheer rock   face and it is too high for a   ladder. You must use the rope   and axe"
   1 "You have reached Base Camp 3"
   1 "You have reached Base Camp 2"
   1 "You have reached Base Camp 1"
   1 "You have just run out of cash   and can no longer afford to pay your sherpas":
   1 "You have just run out of
   1 "You have come to an area of thinice.It is not too wide and may  be crossed using either the
   1 "You have come to a wide crevasseand you need the plank to cross it"
   1 "You have cash of   `";cash:
   1 "You have a gun and can continue":
   1 "You have a further ";day;" days
   1 "You have `";cash;,"to finance your expedition"
   1 "You have ";cs;" items of equipment."
   1 "You have ";co;" sherpas"
   1 "You have ";co;" sherpas plus
   1 "You have ";20
   1 "You do not have this and you cango no further":
   1 "You are descending back down"
   1 "You appear to have forgotten to bring a tent and it is nightfall"
   1 "You and your expedition survived the night":
   1 "You already have a base here":
   1 "You already have ";sup;" days"
   1 "When you set up a base camp,    remember that the sherpas left  there will need feeding.If thereis no food then they will make  their own way back to the
   1 "Well done,you have a shovel and can dig your way through":
   1 "This program may not be hired,  lent,resold or recirculated in  any way by way of trade or
   1 "This money is waiting for you   down at the village"
   1 "This is a list of available
   1 "There is an abominable snowman  in this area. You need a gun to fight him off and get past"
   1 "The total strength of your
   1 "The program may be saved after  30 minutes by pressing ""s""
   1 "The combined daily rate for all your sherpas is `";dr;" per day."
   1 "Supplies :";
   1 "Supplies : ";:
   1 "Supplies ";
   1 "Sherpas:":
   1 "Sherpa's Name?",a$:
   1 "Press any key to start the day":
   1 "Press any key for a fast return trip back to the start":
   1 "Press ""p"" for your current
   1 "Press ""i"" for information on    base camps":
   1 "Press ""d"" to descend"
   1 "Press ""c"" to camp for the night"
   1 "Press ""a"" to continue climbing"
   1 "Once a base camp is set up you  can collect or drop off items   of equipment, etc, by pressing  ""i"" for an inventory
   1 "Location :";:
   1 "Location ";:
   1 "Item?";a$:
   1 "It is now morning.":
   1 "Isn't it time you camped for thenight?":
   1 "How many days will you need?"
   1 "Good, you have the necessary    equipment to go on":
   1 "Enter number of days stores to  be left"
   1 "Enter new quantity for supplies (use end to finish)"
   1 "Enter ALL items of equipment to remain"
   1 "Don't be daft,it isn't nightime yet":
   1 "Don't be an idiot,how are you   going to find your way in the   dark? Press any key to set up   camp":
   1 "Do you wish to make any changes?"
   1 "Bear in mind that you need
   1 "Base Camp 3":
   1 "Base Camp 2"
   1 "Base Camp 1":
   1 "Always type ""end"" to finish
   1 "All donations are collected at  the village, but if you hold theradio you will get advance
   1 "A donation has been made to you of `";cash1
   1  yourself and the supplies cost  `10 per day per man" 
   1  when asked to ascend or descend"
   1  village. All equipment will stay"
   1  three base camps anywhere on themountainside, and you can changethese or even cancel them.
   1  supplies.The only limit is
   1  supplies":
   1  successfully"
   1  shovel    200 radio
   1  sherpas to carry these for you, otherwise you will run out of   strength quickly.
   1  sherpas and their daily rates"
   1  position"
   1  plank or the ladder"
   1  otherwise without the written   consent of Richard Shepherd"
   1  ladder    100
   1  journey to complete your
   1  international recognition."
   1  heat pads 300 
   1  hazards on the way, but there   are objects which you can buy   to help you.
   1  financial! Remember to leave    money to spend on supplies and  equipment."
   1  financial resources but you willfind that you get donations as  your expedition advances.
   1  expedition is    ";st
   1  equipment from the following    list"
   1  donations of `";cash2:
   1  conditions in the village":
   1  any input e.g. selecting sherpas"
   1  `/day    strength"
   1  660 keith
   1  60 oxygen    500
   1  ";b$(n,12